woensdag 28 maart 2012

Henk neemt lange aanloop naar Violet (4)

Dulce (als eerste aan het woord) en haar gouvernante zetten hun gesprek voort.
'But you do think every woman ought to marry, don't you?'
'To mate,' said Amy, correcting her. 'And perhaps marry as well.'
'I know what you mean. To mate for love and marry for companionship, and so on?' 'Something like that,' replied Amy. 'But not to complicate the whole machinery of existence with the consequences of one little manifestation of energy, don't you know ? '
'That's your lecture — its substance,' said Dulce eagerly. ‘I can give it you nearly word for word. See how I adore you ! You said that you thought love, like the rest of the important passions, should have its hour, its day, its year even, but should not be allowed to trespass on the space of all the others, and to lengthen itself out over the whole field of existence. You said: "Love is very well, but there are other dreams, other interests. What of revenge? And ambition? Why should the one emotion,” you said, "set the tune eternally? To be practical, why shouldn't an alliance of reason follow one of love? Why, because, at one time or another, we happen to have submitted to a nearly inevitable law of our being, must the rest of our lives be dragged, protesting, through the miry channels of love? Why should children, the buds and flower of the crescendo, be exposed to the ugly view of the diminuendo just because their absurd, hidebound parents insist on remaining together after the impulse that produced them is spent? For the good of the children, it is said. Ill-judged martyrization ! Pathological sights are not healthy to grow up among. Love must be, love must die, but bury it deep, and let there be no mourners, no flowers." That's nearly what you said.’
(wordt vervolgd)

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