Een welversneden pijl op de boog van Aldous Huxley is de satire. Vooral in zijn vroege werken 'Crome Yellow' van 1921 en 'Antic Hay' van 1923 (onlangs weer eens gelezen; verrukkelijk boek) schiet hij er lustig op los. Minder in 'Eyeless in Gaza', maar niet afwezig, getuige het volgende citaat.
'Theatres were closing. Helen brightened suddenly to a mood of malevolent high spirits. Commenting in a ringing voice on passers-by. As though we were at the Zoo. Embarrassing, but funny and acute, as when she pointed to the rich young men in top-hats...; to the women trying to look like Vogue, or expensive advertisements (for winter cruises or fur coats), heads in air, eyelids dropped superciliously -- or slouching like screen vamps, with their stomachs stuck out, as though expecting twins. The pitiable models on which people form themselves!'
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