woensdag 4 april 2012

Een pijl op zijn boog (Huxley 3)

Een welversneden pijl op de boog van Aldous Huxley is de satire. Vooral in zijn vroege werken 'Crome Yellow' van 1921 en 'Antic Hay' van 1923 (onlangs weer eens gelezen; verrukkelijk boek) schiet hij er lustig op los. Minder in 'Eyeless in Gaza', maar niet afwezig, getuige het volgende citaat.

'Theatres were closing. Helen brightened suddenly to a mood of malevolent high spirits. Commenting in a ringing voice on passers-by. As though we were at the Zoo. Embarrassing, but funny and acute, as when she pointed to the rich young men in top-hats...; to the women trying to look like Vogue, or expensive advertisements (for winter cruises or fur coats), heads in air, eyelids dropped superciliously -- or slouching like screen vamps, with their stomachs stuck out, as though expecting twins. The pitiable models on which people form themselves!'

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